
Scratch Blocks - Education Version

The followings are all Zenbo Scratch V1.7 block education version instructions:

● Click here to download printable version:

1. Estabilish the connection to connect the Zenbo. Set the variable of Zenbo’s IP and you could get the Zenbo’s IP in Zenbo Scratch app. You have to excute the block if you want to use the Zenbo.

2. Control Zenbo move (forward / backward) ( 0.25 / 0.5 / 0.75 / 1.0 / 1.25 / 1. 5/ 1.75 / 2.0) meter at the speed (slowly / normally / fast).

3. Control Zenbo stop moving.

4. Control Zenbo's head to turn ( left / right / top / down) ( 0 / 15 / 30 / 45 ) degrees. The degree is absolute angle. If the Zenbo is up 15 degree and you choose the head up 15 degree block, Zenbo would not move.

5. Control Zenbo's body to turn ( left / right ) ( 0 / 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 / 150 / 165 / 180) degrees.

6. Control Zenbo to ( stop / move forward / turn left / turn right ) continously.

7. Control Zenbo to set expression (#). About the expression corresponding to #, please reference the official document: [click here]. See "Facial Expression" section.

8. Hide Zenbo's expression screen.

9. Control Zenbo to say ( Hi, welcome to zenbo scratch service / Look here / WoW / YA).

10. Control Zenbo to say (INPUT STRING).

11. Control Zenbo of stream ( music / alarm clock / notification / robot speaking) ( louder / quieter).

12. Control Zenbo to speak (INPUT STRING) using speak speed (L1/ L2/ L3/ L4/ L5/ L6/ L7/ L8). The L1 correspond to the slowest speech speed, L2 to L8 is in ascending order, and the L8 is the fastest speech speed.

13. Register the Dialog System to listen specific context ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 ) at Zenbo. Usually use together with the block "14. start listen context".

14. Control Zenbo to start listening. Use together with the block "13. register the dialog system to listen specific context".

15. Do something when Zenbo listened context ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5). Use together with the block "13. register the dialog system to listen specific context".

16. Delete all registered context of dialog system at Zenbo.

17. When Zenbo heard a number, do something. Use the block "18. current number heard by Zenbo" to get the number.

18. Current Zenbo heard number. Usually using with the block "17. when Zenbo heard numbers".

19. Control Zenbo to play the Youtube video at URL: (INPUT URL).

20. Control Zenbo to play the online audio file at URL: (INPUT URL).

21. Control Zenbo to show the online image file at URL: (INPUT URL).

22. Control Zenbo to play the video file at Google drive, which sharable URL is (INPUT URL). The file should be set the sharable link previously.

23. Control Zenbo to play the audio file at Google drive, which sharable URL is (INPUT IRL). The file should be set the sharable link previously.

24. Control Zenbo to browse the image file at Google drive, which sharable URL is (INPUT URL). The file should be set the sharable link previously.

25. Control Zenbo to browse the document file at Google drive, which sharable URL is (INPUT URL). The file should be set the sharable link previously.

26. When pet on Zenbo's head, do something.

27. Disconnect to Zenbo and cannot excute command anymore.

28. ( start / stop ) audio recording with file name ( INPUT FILE NAME ) and the default save location is in the Music folder.

29. ( start / stop ) video recording with file name ( INPUT FILE NAME ) using resolution ( 720p / 480p / 240p ) and the default save location is in the Movies folder.

30. Control Zenbo's ( both / left / right ) wheel led lights to turn on with speed ( slowest / slow / normal / fast /fastest ) , and with color ( white / red/ orange / yellow / green / blue / indogo/ purple) , and with effect ( static / blinking / breathing / forward marquee / backward marquee ).

31. Control Zenbo's ( both / left / right ) wheel led lights to turn off.